How can we end childhood sexual violence?
Hester Phillips
23 January 2025
New report reviews evidence from low- and middle-income countries to reveal what works to stop under-18s experiencing sexual violence
A new report outlines practical solutions to prevent childhood sexual violence, based on evidence from low- and middle-income countries.
What is the report about?
Building Safe Futures: Solutions to end childhood sexual violence reviews the evidence on preventing and disrupting childhood sexual violence. All the evidence was gathered in low- and middle-income countries and published between 2018 and 2024. Childhood sexual violence is defined as “any deliberate, unwanted and non-essential act of a sexual nature… against a child [under 18], including for exploitative purposes”.
Why is this important?
Experiencing sexual violence can affect a child throughout their lifetime. It can have physical effects like sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies. It can also lead to mental health issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
What does the report say?
The most effective approaches are listed below. Read the main report for the full list of promising interventions and where more evidence is needed.
Adolescent development clubs can work to reduce the risk of sexual violence, especially when adolescents are in vulnerable situations. The clubs can be used to teach adolescents important skills, like how to earn money or make healthy choices, alongside fun activities and emotional support. A good example is the Empowerment and Livelihood for Adolescents programme in Uganda.
Parenting programmes can help caregivers reduce children’s risk of sexual violence. Caregivers of all genders should both be included. These programmes can make children feel more comfortable to talk to caregivers about any sexual violence experiences or worries they have. Programmes that focus on caregivers and preschoolers and caregivers and adolescents are both particularly effective. A good example is My Mother is My Best Friend in Sri Lanka.
Cash-plus schemes for women and adolescent girls. This can combine cash transfers with activities like skills building, sexual violence prevention sessions, and sensitising the wider community. A good example is Girl Empower in Liberia.
Teaching sexual violence prevention in school and training educators on the issue. Lessons should be age-appropriate and inclusive. Such lessons can boost children’s knowledge and self-belief, which can help to protect them against sexual violence.
School-based self-defence lessons. This can be effective when provided alongside other sexual violence prevention efforts.
Effective laws and safeguarding policies. These are important for improving reporting and case management, and for addressing online sexual abuse.
Small group sessions for under-18s outside of school. These should be delivered by trained professionals and involve both boys and girls. These sessions have shown promise in changing harmful attitudes, but they have not significantly reduced incidents of childhood sexual violence.
What does this mean for practitioners and educators?
As the report’s authors conclude: “We have the tools; now it’s up to us to act, scale these solutions, and end sexual violence against children.”
This report can be used to make the case for more investment. It presents clear evidence on which sexual violence prevention programmes are likely to have the greatest impact for under-18s.
Programmes should cater for children, adolescents and young people of different ages, genders, sexualities and disabilities. They should always be designed, implemented and monitored with the involvement of the children and adults being supported.
It is also important to be ‘trauma-informed’. This means recognising that many people involved in the programme, including participants, staff and volunteers, will have experienced sexual trauma. Programmes must be delivered with sensitivity and care.
Programmes also need clear monitoring and evaluation. This is important for getting feedback on what is going well and what is not. Being able to change support based on this feedback is key.
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