Video series: Sexual health basics
There’s a lot to think about when it comes to your sexual health – how do you have good relationships and great sex while staying in control of your health? Our sexual health basics videos are here to help you get to grips with all the facts.
Meet PBae and Inno, Amara and Abi, Maani and Zuzu, and Ibra too, as they discover more about great sex, all kinds of condoms, PrEP, consent and how to beat first time sex nerves.
Less stress, more sex: What condoms can do for you!
Condoms can be super sexy – they can help you relax as you don’t have to worry about sexually transmitted infections or unplanned pregnancy because you’re protected! Meet Amara and Abi as they discover that they can have their best sex using a condom. Explore our blogs and pages for advice on having great sex using a condom, more information on internal (female) and external (male) condoms and how to use them, and support on talking about condoms with your partner.
Beat first time sex nerves
Inno’s feeling nervous about having sex for the first time with PBae. But sex is no competition – there are no winners and losers. Everyone should be in it for the fun and the love! Watch our video to find out more and read our page for tips and advice on making your first time a great time.
What is consent? And why it matters for sex
Inno and PBae are getting it on – but will talk of consent ruin the moment? Find out what consent is all about, why it matters and how it can make things a little more sexy.
For more advice and support on the issue of sexual consent read our page.
Take control with a female condom
What’s so good about female condoms? Watch Maani and Zuzu as they find out together! You can learn more on our internal (female) condom page. Here you’ll find all the information you need on how and why to use internal condoms, plus if you need support on talking about condoms with your partner – we’ve got just the page for you.
Protection from HIV: Your PrEP options
Zuzu, Ibra and Amara are three friends talking about relationships and some of the challenges they pose – like making sure you’re protected from HIV. If you take PrEP this is one less thing to worry about. And there are now more options than ever – so you can find the one that suits you!
Find out more by watching our video. Our PrEP page has more information and advice on your PrEP options.